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BOFA 8+ 12+ Subscription Shop

Number of Pupils: 1
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3 months fixed
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    • Choose the number of pupils using the first slider.
      If you require more active pupils, register as a tutoring centre or school.
    • Choose your subscription length with the second slider.
    • If you choose a monthly recurring subscription, your subscription will continue until your chosen end date, and payment taken on the same date each month.
    • When a subscription expires, all pupils become inactive, but test data is not lost. A new subscription can be used to reactivate pupils.

Trusted by parents, schools and tutors

"The BOFA software is fantastic, very well designed and achieves fantastic results. This year five pupils achieved academic scholarships, all using BOFA to prepare. Andy and the team are always great to deal with, informative and helpful at all times."

West London Tutoring

"A much better resource for VR and NVR practice than the paper books. Great for rapid preparation for exams that suddenly arise."

Trevor Roberts School

"My daughter used BOFA to prepare for her 11+ exam. I am pleased to say that she passed all three exams and really valued using BOFA."

Cherry, BOFA Parent

What's included in a subscription?

All BOFA 8+ 12+ subscriptions include the following:

Click on a subject to learn more

Below are some useful video tutorials to help you get started.